After completing a degree in film studies in Rome university and a diploma in cinematography Chiara Caterina  attended a post-degree in Le Fresnoy - Studio National des Arts Contemporains in Lille (FR).

Her short film “Avant la nuit” (Before night falls) was awarded and selected in many international festivals among others at the 27 European Media Art Festival in Osnabrueck, the 30th Hamburg International Short Film Festival, the 10th Berwick Film and Media art Festiva, the Videoformes 2015 International Festival in Clermont-Ferrand, Kasseler Dok und Video Fest.

Her documentary “Il mondo o niente” (The world or nothing) was selected among others at the 58 Festival dei Popoli and the Festival du cinéma de Brive.

Her short film "Enchantment" was selected and awarded at 36 International Critic's Week at 78 Venice Film Festival in 2021 and in many others film festival.

Her last short film “La stanza lucida” (Lucid Room) will premiere at 37 International Critic's Week in Venice.